- Bodyvests (6–8).
- Babygrows (8–10).
- Jerseys (3–4).
- Beanies (2–3)
- Dribble bibs (4–6).
- Socks/Booties (3–5).
Make sure you wash all clothes beforehand using a non-biological detergent.
- Unscented aqueous cream.
- Baby shampoo.
- Baby oil.
- Baby lotion
- Baby bath lotion.
- Protective bum cream.
- Baby soap.
- Baby powder.
- Baby lotion tissues.
- Cotton balls – bulk or
- Cotton buds and surgical spirits for cord care.
- Muslin cloth.
- Maternity pads (3 packs).
- Breast pads (3 boxes).
- Grooming – baby nail scissors/clippers.
- Soft hair brush.
- Medicine dropper.
- Nasal aspirator.
- Thermometer.
- Linen Savers.
- Scratch mitts.
Changing nappies
- Disposables per day (8–10).
- Antibacterial nappy sacks or
- Nappy disposal dustbin.
- Towelling nappies (40).
- Disposable liners (200) or
- Washable liners (3 boxes).
- Safety pins/Snappi’s (12).
- Bucket with lid (2).
- Sterilising solution.
- Scrub brush.
Bath time
- Baby bath.
- Hooded towels (3-4).
- Bath aid to support baby.
- Bath thermometer.
- Bath aid to support baby.
Sleep time
- Cot/Camp cot.
- Breathe-ease mattress.
- Fitted healthtex sheets (2-3).
- Cotton stretch wrappers (4-6).
- Cotton cellular blankets (2-3).
- Receiving/fleece blankets (3-4).
- Cot lift wedge.
- Back and side wedge.
- Travel system (± pram/birth to 9 kg car seat).
- Nappy bag (back pack/shoulder bag).
- Baby pouch or sling.
- Sun visors for car and pram.
- Disposable bags for dirty nappies.
- Chest of drawers (± 900mm high).
- After-birth mattress.
- Shelf (optional but useful).
- Nappy stacker (optional).
- Mosquito net.
- Boppy cushion (to support baby during feeding and lie on during the day).
- Monitor.
- Comfortable chair for feeding baby.
- Dustbin
- Laundry bin
Feeding time
Requirements will depend on your choice of feeding. Consult your healthcare
professional for advice.
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