Father’s role

Father’s role

Father’s role

Nov 28, 2017
5 mins

Sharing the adventure of pregnancy, birth and parenting can make this one of life’s most rewarding experiences.

The first step towards fatherhood is to accept pregnancy and birth as a period of change. You may have conflicting and intense emotions to deal with as you come to terms with this major developmental stage in your life. It is important to keep the channels of communication open between you and your partner.

Men differ in their amount of involvement and participation, and many are now much more actively involved than their fathers were.

Meeting and discussing common concerns with other expectant couples can be reassuring and may assist you in developing support networks for your parenting years.

As pregnancy, birth and parenting are physically and emotionally demanding, preparation is essential. Knowledge and understanding of what is involved, and being able to recognise your partner’s needs, will increase your confidence and help you to give her invaluable support. All this can be achieved by attending childbirth education classes.

You need to decide whether you will be present in the delivery room for the birth. In some cultures, the father’s presence at the birth is discouraged. Some fathers dislike feeling helpless as they witness their partner in pain. They feel apprehensive and scared of fainting or getting sick, or being negatively affected by the sight of the birth. Most fathers who are adequately prepared find it a most moving experience, which they would not have missed.
To learn more about the father’s role during birth, click here.

Consult a childbirth educator or childbirth associations for more information.