Single parent

Single parent

Single parent

Nov 28, 2017
2 mins

Today an increasing number of women are facing the challenges of pregnancy, birth and parenthood alone. This may be through personal choice or circumstantial.

The enormous responsibilities and adjustments needed for parenthood, when there are two parents, can be overwhelming. So coping with these as a single mother can be extremely stressful, although many women manage well. A single parent needs extra help and support during this stressful period. Support groups and contact with other single parents can be invaluable.

You need to consider the financial implications as well as the emotional problems of having a baby. Plan ahead for after the birth. Accept all the help you are offered. Consider choosing a friend or a family member to attend childbirth education classes with you. Your support person can accompany you to hospital for the labour and birth.

Make your relationship with your child a priority in your life and you will gain a great deal of joy, happiness and companionship. When returning to work, select a childcare facility carefully. As long as your child has your love and feels wanted by you, he has a good chance of being a healthy, happy child.

Remember: To investigate support groups in your community, create a financial plan and look into career adjustments and options.

Look for single parent groups in your area for additional support or click here for useful resources.