65 Months Milestone
It is wonderful when your child retells a story
69 Months Milestone
Two little dickie birds sitting on a wall
57 Months Milestone
Your child’s hands are becoming fine instruments
38 Months Milestone
If you’re happy and you know it, clap your hands
61 months Milestone
The delight of mastering the hop, slide, skip and gallop
39 Months Milestone
Nip, flip, grip – I know how to hold my pencil
71 months Milestone
From small beginnings come great things
56 months Milestone
Special time nurtures your child emotionally
70 Months Milestone
The difference between pitter and patter
67 months Milestone
Preparing to enter the sports arena
Your child is now preparing to enter the sports arena in primary school.
40 Months Milestone
The greatest gift is to let your child know they are loved
54 months Milestone
My new language skills are expanding my world
36 Months Milestone
Joyful chatter is gaining momentum
Your three-year-old’s language skills develop at a rapid pace.
43 months Milestone
Life’s a great balancing act
At 43 months, children learn to balance with increasing confidence.
45 Months Milestone
Your child is learning to use those little hands
Your child’s fine motor skills are developing. They are now able to pour water from a jug.
Now performing...Family sing-a-long!
Now performing...Family sing-a-long!
Veggie stories? I’m all ears!
Veggie stories? I’m all ears!
Let's get those little muscles moving!
Let's get those little muscles moving!
Hey little DJ, turn that music on!
Hey little DJ, turn that music on!