Ready or not, here I come!
Hide-and-seek is a popular game among children… and some elders too, right dad? Hiding games are a joyful way to help your little one develop their cognitive skills and gain a better understanding of their environment.
It teaches them how to regulate their emotions and develops social expectations – essential for happy and healthy development. Interesting, huh?
Here are some basics for you and your child to become the champions of good play:
- Set a few safety rules such as the hiding area – especially if playing outdoors – and any out-of-bounds areas.
- The “seeker” covers their eyes and begins counting while the others hide. Keep the counting number to one your child is comfortable with at their age.
- The best part: The seeker yells “Ready or not, here I come!”
- Try not to giggle in your hiding spot.
- The player who gets found first is the counter for the next round, but this can be changed to give everyone a turn to be the seeker.
Remember everything starts in the tummy…when they feel right, they can enjoy growing up happy!