
What are HMOs, and why are they important to your child’s immunity?

What are HMOs, and why are they important to your child’s immunity?

May 14, 2024
2 mins

Protecting the gut and boosting immunity 

The human gut is home to trillions of bacteria, good and bad. When the balance of these bacteria is disrupted, it can lead to a range of health problems, including infections, allergies and digestive issues.1

However, don‘t worry parents: HMOs are here to save the day! They have been shown to help protect against respiratory infections, ear infections and gastrointestinal infections.2

Plus, they have anti-inflammatory properties that can support overall immune function,2 giving your kid’s immune system a superhero boost!

What are HMOs?

Are you curious about HMOs and why they’re so important for your child’s immunity? Let us break it down for you.

Human Milk Oligosaccharides (HMOs) are bioactive components that are naturally found in breastmilk. These complex carbohydrates are made up of smaller sugar molecules linked together, and they play a vital role in promoting the growth of good bacteria in your child s gut. 3

Cognitive benefits

Studies have found that HMOs may have cognitive benefits for growing children, meaning they can help improve your little one s thinking, learning and memory skills.4-5 

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How you can include HMOs in your child’s diet

HMOs can be found in certain types of powdered milk for young children. When it comes to supporting your preschooler s health, incorporating HMOs into their diet can be beneficial.3 

The superpower of HMOs

When choosing a growing up milk product that contains HMOs, it s important to look for one that contains a variety of different types of HMOs. To ensure your child receives the full range of benefits that supports their immune system2, digestive system2 and overall development.

The superpower of HMOs

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1. Petersen C & Round JL. Defining dysbiosis and its influence on host immunity and disease. Cellular Microbiology 2014;16(7):1024-33.
2. Schonknecht YB, Tovar MVM, et al. Clinical studies on the supplementation of manufactured human milk oligosaccharides: a systematic review. Nutrients 
3. Ray C, Kerketta JA, et al. Human milk oligosaccharides: the journey ahead. Int J Ped 2019.
4. Vaher K, Bogaert D, lichardson H, Boardman JP. Microbiome-gut-brain axis in brain development, cognition and behavior during infancy and early 
childhood. Developmental Review 2022:66:101038.
5. Tognini P. Gut microbiota: a potential regulator of neurodevelopment. Frontiers in Cellular Neuroscience 2017;11(25)1-7.

IMPORTANT NOTICE: NESTLÉ® NANKID® 4 is not a breast milk substitute but a drink specially suited for children older than 3 years.