How to help baby reflux
Baby reflux. It’s one of the most common symptoms in babies in their first year. Here are some baby reflux remedies to help prevent and ease the symptoms.
What to consider when choosing a crèche
Wondering how to pick a crèche to look after your baby? We have put together a list of some things to consider when choosing a crèche, from childcare costs to location.
Coping with separation anxiety in babies and toddlers
Clingy Baby Syndrome, otherwise known as separation anxiety in toddlers, can be upsetting for you and your baby. Here are some tips to help you both cope with separation anxiety.
Tips for potty training toddlers
Wondering how to potty train or when to start potty training? Read our potty-training tips and tricks to help toddlers hit the spot.
Children’s dental care checklist
Looking after our teeth is a lifelong undertaking so it helps to get off to a good start.
How to help a picky eater
Wondering how to help a picky eater? Developing a palate takes time. So we’ve prepared a menu of useful tips to help turn your picky eater into a food lover.
How to provide a healthy toddler diet
A healthy toddler diet now can set your little one up for a lifetime of healthy eating. Here are some nutrition building blocks for the best food for toddlers.
How to help toddler tummy problems
Painful toddler tummy problems, including toddler diarrhoea and toddler constipation, are horrible for parents and babies alike.
How to cope with pregnancy pains and discomfort
As your body changes, pregnancy pains and discomfort can occur, especially in your back, legs and feet. The good news is, there are ways to ease your pregnancy aches and pains.
NESTLÉ® LACTOKID® 4 is a drink for young children from the age of 3 years that supports growth and development. NESTLÉ® LACTOKID® 4 contains COMFORTIS® (Lactobacillus reuteri).
For healthy children from 3–5 years and for children from 3–5 years who experience symptoms associated with digestive discomfort, abdominal pain or constipation.
Diagnosed cow’s milk protein allergy.
Can my diet or what I eat affect conception?
Introducing... my kitchen turned into a recording studio!
Introducing... my kitchen turned into a recording studio!
NESTLÉ CERELAC® Organic Selection
Introducing the NEW NESTLE® CERELAC® Organic Selection
58 Months Milestone
Free play is like love, sunshine and broccoli all juiced together
42 months Milestone
Your child’s sentences are becoming longer and more complex as their vocabulary grows from a few hundred words at age three to more than 2 000 words at age five.