Play time is fun time
Play time is fun time
Give your child enough time to play. Playing is learning
There is a fine line between too much and too little playtime for your little one. You are the best person to evaluate how long playtime should be. If our children could decide, playtime would be all day, every day, for a week.
In fact playtime is one of the best ways for a child to learn, for example, painting can teach your child how to define and differentiate colours without them even realizing that they are learning. It is better for her to say “Mommy I want to wear my pink sandals and my orange dress today please!”.
Encourage free play it will foster their creativity
The thought of having to put that muddy pair of pants into the washing machine should not worry you because getting dirty is how children learn. So let your little one play in the mud, and make the mud cakes. After all, after all, the greatest minds of our time have shown us that play is so important for finding creative solutions to problems. Let them play outside freely. Encourage them to play with other children; it will develop their social skills Play dates are one way you can help your little one develop social and interpersonal skills like talking to other kids, sharing with others and being kind. All of these important social skills can be taught in a playful setting. Encouraging “pretend” play can help your child to learn about different life situations and explore different emotions such as happiness, confidence, uncertainty and caring
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