Compensating for Nutritional Deficiencies

Compensating for Nutritional Deficiencies

Compensating for Nutritional Deficiencies

3- 5 years
Apr 21, 2020
5 mins

Often, children avoid new tastes, prefer processed foods and turn down those delicious greens you offer them.

Childhood eating habits are a common topic and concern for many parents.  A child expressing their own will is something to celebrate. However, when it comes to food, nutrition during early childhood is important because it lays the foundation for future health.


This is where enriched drinks, made specifically for 3–5 year old children can help. They contain the right amount of nutrients that may be lacking in your child’s diet. NESTLÉ® NANKID® 4 is a source of vitamins and minerals, it contains OPTIPRO®, a source of protein, and Omega Smart, a source of Omega-3 & -6 fatty acids and DHA, as well as B.Lactis and HMOs. Of course, we must always continue to encourage our children to eat healthy balanced diets to lay a strong foundation for the future.

Children need high quality protein that supplies the correct amino acids (building blocks of protein). The quality of protein that they consume is more important than the quantity.

The human body cannot make Omega-3 & -6 fatty acids, so they need to be consumed. These fatty acids are important for brain and eye health. The ratio of Omega-3 to Omega-6 in our diets should be balanced. In other words, we should be getting equal amounts of these fatty acids. Processed foods and modern farming practices have changed the recommended dietary ratio of Omega-3 to -6 fatty acids in foods. These days we get too much Omega-6 and not enough Omega-3 fatty acids from the typical foods we eat. The correct balance of Omega-3 and Omega-6 fatty acids are needed to keep us healthy.

Optimum nutrition in children is important for health, growth and development. Here are some of the reasons your child needs vitamins and minerals:


  • Eyesight: Vitamin A and Omega fatty acids
  • Healthy skin: Vitamin A and D
  • Strong bones: Vitamin D, Calcium
  • Blood clotting: Vitamin K
  • Nervous system: B vitamins, magnesium
  • Red blood cells: B vitamins, iron
  • Immunity: Vitamin C, A and Zinc
  • Muscles: Iron, calcium,


The importance of gut bacteria is becoming more and more evident – it plays a crucial role in immunity, digestive health, allergies and obesity to name a few. B. lactis has been proven to be beneficial for a child’s gut bacteria. When good gut bacteria establish themselves in the intestine, they help with digestion, absorption of nutrients and immunity.


To help the beneficial gut bacteria to flourish, we’ve added HMOs to NESTLÉ® NANKID® 4. HMOs support immunity by supporting good gut bacteria and preventing germs from attaching and growing in the intestine.


Growing children

Enriched drinks, as part of a healthy diet, assist in making sure that your child gets all the nutrients they need. Give your growing child the best with NESTLÉ® NANKID® 4, to help build a strong foundation.


NESTLÉ® NANKID® 4, Our best for you.



IMPORTANT NOTICE. A-well balanced diet, both during pregnancy and after delivery, helps sustain an adequate supply of breastmilk. Exclusive breastfeeding is recommended during the first 6 months of life followed by the introduction of adequate nutritious complementary foods, along with sustained breastfeeding up to two years of age and beyond.


NESTLÉ® NANKID® 4 is not a breastmilk substitute. As babies grow at different rates, seek advice with your health professionals on the appropriate time when your baby should start receiving this product.


Product code: ZAJEPB017

March 2020 25643