Articles to guide and support your parenting journey so you can help your Growing Kid, their
Growing Mind and Growing Body thrive.
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Understanding your child’s brain development: Ages 3–5
Three to five years old, a time of boundless energy, endless questions and incredible leaps in development.
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What are HMOs, and why are they important to your child’s immunity?
The human gut is home to trillions of bacteria, good and bad.
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A guide to creating a healthy routine for 3-5 year-olds
As your child reaches through milestones, which include their development, social and cognitive skills, they become masters at their own play.
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The Power of play based learning: why learning through play is important
Children understand the world around them through play – with every new experience, they learn something new and as the experiences stack, so do their skills and abilities.
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Strong body, strong mind: why exercise is vital for early childhood development
Toddlers and children need plenty of physical activity to develop in a range of ways. Not only does it strengthen their muscles and bones, but it also gives their brain a workout too.
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Children and sleep: sweet dreams, strong immunity at bedtime
Getting enough quality sleep is essential to your child’s mental and physical health, not to mention that it makes your life as a parent easier when the kids are sleeping better.
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10 tips to support your 3-5-year-old kid’s immunity
Navigating colds, flu and sickness as a parent can feel like an everlasting challenge.
3 mins to read
Breathe, relax, repeat: mindfulness for mini-minds
Mindfulness is the simple action of becoming fully aware of what’s happening in the present moment.
2 mins to read