Developmental Milestones

Developmental Milestones

Developmental Milestones

Solid Food For 6 Month Old
Nov 28, 2017
5 mins

You cannot fast-track the stages of your baby’s development, but you can help by creating a stimulating environment. The variations in a baby’s development add new meaning to the word normal – just enjoy the interesting individual who has come to live with you.

As you and your baby embark on a tender journey, here are a few things to keep in mind along the way:

  •  Babies reach developmental milestones at their own pace, one baby step at a time.
  •  You are baby’s first friend and your exchanges help baby with future relationships. A little loving goes a long way!
  • When you’re busy taking care of baby, don’t forget to take care of yourself. You both need a little pampering.