with Henri Nestlé

Celebrating 150 years

Celebrating 150 years

Solid Food For 6 Month Old
Jan 20, 2018
5 mins

And it all began with Henri Nestlé’s mission to give babies a good foundation in life

We all want our children to have the most memorable firsts. And for every parent the first smile, the first spoon, the first word, the first step is a crucial exciting milestone. From the very beginning, Nestlé has been powered by a passionate pledge to enhancing people’s lives. As we celebrate 150 years of Nestlé, it’s important that we reflect on the brand’s roots. And where better to start than with Nestlé Infant Cereals – the founding product of Henri Nestlé?

Infant Cereals - A revolutionary recipe that saved the life of a baby

Little baby Wanner was a premature, sick baby who could not tolerate food. Like 1 out of 4 babies in Europe in the 1800s, he was unlikely to survive.

Henri Nestlé, a visionary pharmacist with a passion for science, was researching possible solutions to reduce child mortality. During this time, the composition of breast milk had just been discovered and was found to be the most optimal nourishment for babies. With this new knowledge at hand, Henri Nestlé used the latest research and technologies to successfully create the first ever cereal for infants – he called it Farine Lactée.

To ensure that the product was of the highest quality, Henri Nestlé sourced the best ingredients, using only carefully selected wheat and same-day fresh milk from the Swiss Alps. He employed the latest production technology to make the product safe, long-lasting and easy-to-use for mothers, and he even used hygienic seals to protect and guarantee the product.

The result was a revolutionary formulation that saved little Wanner’s life. And it was the beginning of Nestlé Infant Cereals.