The benefits of breastfeeding

The benefits of breastfeeding

The benefits of breastfeeding

Apr 26, 2016
1 min


Even before your baby makes her grand entrance, you may have noticed changes in your breasts.

This is your body preparing to breastfeed. Understanding what these changes mean and how the act of breastfeeding benefits you and your baby is the key for many women. Here are some benefits, which may have a special meaning to you when thinking about breastfeeding.

Breastmilk has everything your little one needs—and offers benefits for you, too.

Benefits for mum

Breastfeeding is good for mum’s health, too. Here’s why:

Lessens future health risks

  • Breastfeeding has been associated with decreased risk of developing Type 2 diabetes, breast cancer and ovarian cancer later on in life.

Breastfeeding hormones like oxytocin cut down your recovery time

  • The act of breastfeeding triggers the release of oxytocin, which helps the uterus to contract and return to its pre-pregnancy size in less time.

Promotes reduced stress and has a calming affect

  • Hormones stimulated by the physical contact with your baby and production of breastmilk help you relax and feel calmer.

Helps you bond and read your baby’s cues

  • Escape the hustle and bustle together.
  • Relax with your baby and observe how she communicates.
  • Skin-to-skin and eye-to-eye contact provides a unique closeness.

Inexpensive, convenient and naturally made

  • Requires little to no equipment.
  • Can be done almost anywhere and anytime.