


0-6 Months
Nov 21, 2017
5 mins

Use your hospital stay to learn how to bath your baby. Babies usually have their first bath about an hour after birth. This may vary slightly, according to hospital policy and the condition of the baby.

At home, bath your baby at the most convenient time for you. It is not essential to bath your baby every day – you can alternate with “topping and tailing”.

Bath time suggestions

  • Bath time should be a pleasant experience for you and your baby.
  • Make it a fun time of undivided attention to your baby.
  • Try to establish a bath routine, preferably before a feed.
  • Prepare the room before you begin, with everything you need at hand, including the clothes.
  • The room temperature should be between 20°C and 22°C.
  • The temperature of the water should not be higher than 37°C.
  • Dip your elbow, not your hand, into the water to test the temperature.
  • Never turn your back or leave your baby unattended.
  • Apply baby care products to your own hands first, then to your baby’s skin.
  • Use a baby bath if you wish, but from an early stage, try to take your baby in the bath with you or your partner. This can be a special time when you relax with your baby in the water.
  • Your baby will discover the pleasures of relaxation and the joy of cleanliness.