Baby nursery list to help you
Oct 23, 2020
5 mins
As you get excited of the arrival of your baby, planning the baby’s nursery is one of those unforgettable moments with plenty of excitement.
Before your bundle of joy arrives, there are some things you consider of your baby’s nursey to help them and yourself settle in at your home.
It will be easy to get carried with what to fill in the nursery such as having plenty of accessories, furniture and different types of wallpaper.
You going to need to consider ideas that will help your baby feel at ease with the space, such as water based paint to make sure the room is fume free.
Here is a baby nursey list to help you:
- Consider keeping the room minimal and accessorising with colourful pieces. It’s easy to change some cushions and the cot will go eventually, but updating the walls and flooring are a bigger task.
- Think about the room itself. Is it on the quiet side of the house? Does it get a lot of sunlight? Is it draughty?
- Check out Pinterest to put together a board of inspiration as well as things on your wish list.
- Make a basic collage (online or with craft supplies) with the items and colors you like. You can then move things in and out to see what works.
- Think about putting in a dimmer switch. Bright lights don’t make sleepy babies.
- Check if you need to oil the door hinges if they are stiff and squeaky.
- Consider a drop-side cot or a cot with a plenty of levels.
- Assemble the cot inside the room, it might be too big to fit through the door.
- Think about investing a comfy armchair or rocking chair for night feeds or to soothe baby.
- Consider buying a changing table or get a short chest of drawers with a baby-changing top.
- Buy a changing mat.
- Buy a nappy bin.
- Ensure any nursery furniture that could be pulled over is securely attached to the wall.
- Look into using wall decals. They peel off easily but make the room look fun instantly.
- Consider buying blackout blinds.
- Buy a baby guard for the door to the nursery or stairs nearby.
- Buy different types of blankets for all weather conditions.
- Buy a lamp or nightlight for late-night nappy changes.
- Consider buying a baby monitor—maybe with a camera—and install it safely with wires out of baby’s reach.
- Buy a room thermometer if your monitor doesn’t have one. Buy a fan if baby’s room gets hot in the summer.
- Buy a humidifier if the air is dry. Especially good for winter babies.
- Paint the room three months before baby is due to make sure the room is fume-free. Water based or Zero VOC paints are ideal.
- Another fun job when you’re done getting the nursey ready is thinking of baby names! See our checklist for ideas. [https://www.babyandme.nestle.co.za/prenatal/baby-names-help]